WoW Dragonflight Heritage Armor Guide – My Personal Journey (Updated 2025)

Hey fellow adventurers! If you’re like me, you love the thrill of unlocking exclusive transmog sets that showcase your character’s unique heritage. One of my favorite achievements in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight was earning Heritage Armor, a symbol of my dedication to my favorite races in Azeroth. Let me walk you through everything you need to know about obtaining these amazing sets!

WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Heritage Armor Sets

World of Warcraft

Hello and a warm welcome to our in-depth World of Warcraft Heritage guide dedicated to the Dragonflight patch 10.2! We have taken great care in organizing this article to ensure that you gain a comprehensive understanding of Heritage armor sets and their significance in the game.

What are heritage armor sets?

Heritage armor sets serve as distinctive cosmetic rewards that are tailored to each playable race in World of Warcraft. These purely cosmetic items are versatile, allowing them to be used for transmogrification on any armor type, be it plate, leather, mail, or cloth.

Once unlocked, the set becomes available account-wide and can be equipped or used for transmogrification by any character belonging to the same race as the armor set.

How to unlock heritage armor sets?

Unlocking heritage armor sets requires meeting specific criteria, and each set has its own distinct requirements.

Do you need reputation to unlock heritage armor in WoW Dragonflight?

A notable alteration in the most recent update of WoW Dragonflight 10.1 is the revelation that players are no longer required to extensively grind for Exalted reputation in order to initiate the Heritage Armor quests.

Dragonflight Patch 10.1 removed the Exalted reputation requirement for certain races: Blood Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Humans, Orcs, Tauren, and Worgen.


In order to access the questline for your heritage armor you will need to level your character to 50. Upon reaching level 50, players will automatically receive a quest instructing them to speak with their faction leader in the capital city to obtain their Heritage Armor. To ensure you receive your Heritage Armor questline, please avoid the following:

  1. Boosting a character using Character Boost tokens.
  2. Faction change into your Allied character.
  3. Race change into your Allied Character.

If you encounter any difficulties meeting the requirements in order to get the heritage armor questline, WoW boosting services providers like KBoosting have many professional players with thousands of hours in the game ready to help you achieve the desired racial set.

What races own heritage sets?

Out of the 24 playable races, 20 currently have Heritage Armor sets, leaving four without them. It’s a plausible assumption that some of the remaining races, Draenai, Trolls, Pandaren and Venthyr, could eventually receive Heritage Armor sets in pairs, given the development team’s previous approach to introducing them. However, it’s essential to note that the introduction of Heritage Armor sets is ultimately determined by the game developers and may vary in their release schedule and plans.

Heritage armor sets

Alliance Races

Human Heritage Armor Sets

Heritage armor sets

To acquire the Human Heritage Set, you must first reach level 50 with your Human character and embark on a questline that commences with “An Urgent Matter.” The Human Heritage Armor features three distinct tints, as well as variations for the helm and skirt/trousers. These tints are represented by the following ensembles:

  • “Ensemble: Lion’s Heritage Scarlet Armor Set”
  • “Ensemble: Lion’s Heritage White Armor Set”
  • “Ensemble: Lion’s Heritage Blue Armor Set”

It’s important to note that these ensembles are exclusive to Human characters and can only be used for transmogrification by characters of the Human race.

Dwarf Heritage Armor Sets

Dwarf Heritage Armor Sets

To get the Dwarf Heritage Armor Set you’ll need to level up your dwarf character to level 50 (the minimum requirement) and complete a Keep Yer Feet On The Ground questline. Upon completing the designated questline, you will acquire the “Heritage of the Bronzebeard” set.



In Patch 10.1.7, a new Heritage Armor set for Night Elves has been introduced. To obtain the Night Elf Heritage Armor Set, players will need to:

  1. Level up their Night Elf character to level 50.
  2. Complete the “Night Elf: Complete the Heritage Armor Storyline” questline.
  3. As a bonus, players will also receive a new title as part of the reward.

Additionally, this update introduced new customization options such as face markings and body tattoos for Night Elves, although these are not mandatory for completing the Heritage Armor Set questline.

Gnome Heritage Armor Sets

Gnome Heritage Armor Sets

To obtain the Gnome Heritage Armor Set, you must first level up your Gnome character to lv. 50 and then embark on a questline that begins with “Shifting Gears.” Engaging in and successfully completing this questline will guide you on a journey to earn the Gnome Heritage Armor Set.

Draenei Man’ari Eredar Appearances Customization

Draenei Man’ari Eredar Appearances Customization
Source: Wowhead

In patch 10.1.7, a new customization option called “Man’ari Eredar Appearances” was introduced for Draenei characters. This includes a range of new hairstyles, skin colors, and eye colors. These options become available once you have completed the “Seeing Red (account)” achievement.

Worgen Heritage Armor Sets

Worgen Heritage Armor Sets

To acquire the Worgen Heritage Armor, you’ll need to reach level 50 with your Worgen toon and then complete a quest chain that begins with “The Shadow of Gilneas.” By following and successfully completing this questline, you will be on the path to obtaining the Worgen Heritage Armor Set.

Dark Iron Dwarf Heritage Armor Sets

Dark Iron Dwarf Heritage Armor Sets

To obtain the Dark Iron Dwarf Heritage Armor Set, you’ll need to play your Dark Iron Dwarf toon to level 50 and then complete the quest line that commences with “The Anvil-Thane’s Designs.”

Upon completing this questline, you will be granted access to the Dark Iron Dwarf Heritage Armor Set, a prestigious and unique set of armor that celebrates the heritage of your character’s dwarven lineage.

Kul Tiran Human Heritage Armor Sets

Kul Tiran Human Heritage Armor Sets

In order to achieve the Kul Tiran Human Heritage Set, you must level up your Kul Tiran allied race character to level 50. Once you reach this level, you will automatically receive the quest “Heritage of the Kul Tiran,” which will lead you to acquire the Heritage Armor Set.

Lightforged Draenei Heritage Armor Sets

Lightforged Draenei Heritage Armor Sets

To acquire the Lightforged Draenei Set, you must level up your Lightforged Draenei character to level 50 and successfully complete the “Heritage of the Lightforged” questline.

If you complete this questline, you will unlock access to a distinctive and visually striking set of armor that reflects your character’s proud Lightforged heritage. It pairs really well with the Lightforged Draenei paladin-class equipped with Voror, Gleaming Blade of the Stalwart weapon transmog.

Void Elf Heritage Armor Sets

Void Elf Heritage Armor Sets

To obtain the Void Elf Heritage Armor Set, you should level up your Void Elf in-game character to level 50 and embark on a quest chain starting with “Heritage of the Void” Quest.

Upon completing this questline, your character will unlock the Void Elf Heritage Armor Set, an exceptional and visually unique ensemble that proudly embodies their rich Void Elf lineage.

Mechagnome Heritage Armor Sets

Mechagnome Heritage Armor Sets

To acquire the Mechagnome Heritage Armor Set, you must level up your Mechagnome character to level 50 and then complete the questline titled “Heritage of the Mechagnome.” Completing this questline will grant you access to the Mechagnome Heritage Armor Set.

Horde Races

Orc Heritage Armor Sets

Orc Heritage Armor Sets

To acquire the Orc Heritage Armor Set, you’ll need to level up your greenskin character to level 50 and then initiate the questline that begins with “A Summon to Orgrimmar.”

Upon successfully completing this questline, you’ll not only receive the cosmetic set but also be rewarded with a Clan Banner. Additionally, this particular Heritage Armor Set offers three distinct color versions, allowing for personalization and customization.

Tauren Heritage Armor Sets

Tauren Heritage Armor Sets

To acquire the Tauren Heritage Armor Set, you’ll need to level your Tauren character to level 50 and then initiate the questline that begins with “When Spirits Whisper.” Completing this questline will enable you to obtain the Tauren Heritage Armor Set.

Blood Elf Heritage Armor Sets

Blood Elf Heritage Armor Sets

If you want to get the Blood Elf Heritage Armor Set, you’ll have to level up your Belf character to level 50. The journey to obtain the Heritage Armor for Blood Elves begins with the quest “The Pride of the Sin’dorei.” This set offers two distinct versions: a robe and a tunic, providing players with versatile options for their character’s appearance.



In World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight Patch 10.1.7, a new racial questline has been introduced specifically for Forsaken characters. To embark on the Forsaken Heritage Armor questline in World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight Patch 10.1.7, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  1. You must be playing as an Undead character.
  2. Your character must be level 50 or higher.
  3. You must have completed the “Return to Lordaeron” questline from the Dragonflight Pre-Patch event on that character. If you haven’t done so, you can initiate the questline by speaking with Calia Menethil in Oribos or Orgrimmar, starting with the quest “Call to Lordaeron.”

Completing this questline allows Forsaken players to earn their Heritage Armor set.

Goblin Heritage Armor Sets

Goblin Heritage Armor Sets

You can acquire the Goblin Heritage Armor Set by leveling up your Goblin character to level 50 and successfully completing the questline that begins with “Old Friends, New Opportunities.” Completing this questline will lead you to obtain the Goblin Heritage Armor Set.

Highmountain Tauren Heritage Armor Sets

Highmountain Tauren Heritage Armor Sets

To obtain the Highmountain Tauren Heritage Set, you must level up your Highmountain Tauren character to level 50. The questline for this armor set begins with “Heritage of Highmountain.” Finishing this questline grants access to the Highmountain Tauren Heritage Armor Set.

Mag’har Orc Heritage Armor Sets

Mag’har Orc Heritage Armor Sets

To acquire the Mag’har Heritage Armor Set, you should get your Mag’har Orc character to level 50 and successfully do the quest titled “Heritage of the Mag’har.” Upon completing this questline, you will acquire the Mag’har Orc Heritage Armor Set.

Nightborne Heritage Armor Sets

Nightborne Heritage Armor Sets

To obtain the Nightborne Heritage Armor Set, you must level up your Nightborne toon to level 50 and successfully complete the questline known as “Heritage of the Nightborne.” Finishing this questline will provide you with access to the Nightborne Heritage Armor Set.

Vulpera Heritage Armor Sets

Vulpera Heritage Armor Sets

In order to get Vulpera Heritage Armor Set, you will need to level up your desert fox character up to level 50 and do the Heritage of the Vulpera questline. Upon completing this questline, you will gain access to the “Heritage of the Vulpera.”

Zandalari Troll Heritage Armor Set

Zandalari Troll Heritage Armor Set

To get the Zandalari Troll Heritage Armor Set, you will have to play your Zandalari Troll character up to level 50 and successfully complete the quest Heritage of the Zandalari. Successfully finishing this questline will provide you with access to the “Heritage of the Zandalari.”


In summary, World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight Heritage Armor sets provide unique cosmetic options tied to each race’s heritage. Patch 10.1 removed the Exalted reputation requirement for some races, making them more accessible. To unlock these sets, players typically need to reach level 50 and complete a specific questline tied to their race. While most races have Heritage Armor, a few do not. Future updates may introduce these sets for the remaining races.

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