Best Hand Cannon Destiny 2 For 2023
There are numerous different weapon types available in Destiny 2, and the hand cannon is one of the most widely used firearms. These futuristic cowboy weapons, which are typically revolver-shaped, are potent. They give competitors a great chance to inflict much damage with just one shot.
Additionally, dozens of exotic firearms are available in Destiny 2, ten of which are hand cannons. Each exotic hand cannon has a distinctive form and unique benefits that are frequently far superior to standard weapons.
The most recognizable weaponry in Destiny is hand cannons. Hand Cannons, which take design cues from the Halo Magnum and real-world revolvers, are high-damage weapons that can handle almost any scenario from close to medium range. Let’s see what are the best hand cannon destiny 2.
What Hand Cannon Does The Most Damage?
One of the game’s most potent hand cannons, the Sturm, deals 108 damage to the skull and 90 damage to the chest. The pistol’s 120 rpm fire rate is sufficient for a 92-impact gun.
Let’s dive in to see the destiny 2 hand cannon tier list:
What Are The Best Hand Cannon Destiny 2 PVP?
Numerous Hand Cannon options are available to fit various playstyles, just like with every other weapon category. Exotics add even more options, with some favoring utility and others more similar to sniper rifles.
There is a Hand Cannon to fit everyone’s needs, ranging from powerful 120 Hand Cannons to quick-firing 180s. The best exotic hand cannons in Destiny 2 for Combat are listed below.
1) Destiny 2 Austringer
Some of the most coveted firearms from Destiny 2 were brought back in Season of the Haunted, including the Austringer. Initially, this weapon aimed to pay tribute to the first Eyasluna from Destiny. However, many seasoned players felt Eyasluna must live up to its moniker when it returned.
Austringer can initiate and end gunfights thanks to the legendary Eye of the Storm and Opening Shot combo, which is back and more powerful than ever. The second bullet must hit its target in a duel before the rifle can finish the job. Few Hand Cannons can match the level of consistency that Eye of the Storm offers Austringer.
2) Igneous Hammer
Since Season 17, if you’ve played any Combat, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered someone using an Igneous Hammer. This hand cannon has a nasty tendency to kill people; it’s as annoying and deadly as a malaria-infected mosquito.
3) Ace of Spades
Any other weapon could surpass this list. Both in PvP and PvE, Cayde-6’s remembrance of the Guardian poses a danger. It has the unique Firefly perk as well as a chic reload motion. Ace of Spades is a favorite of many Guardians, especially considering the distinct metal clang sound made with each shot.
4) Thorn
One more unusual firearm, again The thorn, is one of the few tools in Destiny 2 that can inflict damage over time. But it truly sparkles when a Warlock holds it in their Necrotic Grip Exotic gloves. When combined, Thorn’s poison damage on one enemy will cause poison to travel to other enemies nearby, starting a destructive chain reaction that is excellent for eliminating enemies.
5) Fatebringer
Fatebringer, a legendary kinetic handgun from the Vault of Glass raid, has many helpful extras. In PVE, Explosive Payload is a simple damage boost, and you also have fantastic choices like Frenzy, Kill Clip, and Firefly. Even a Timelost variant that supports Adept mods is available.
6) D.F.A
D.F.A., a recurring Nightfall weapon, now drops from Nightfall completions when D.F.A. is the weapon of the week instead of the Tree of Probabilities Nightfall in Mercury. It has access to Outlaw, Endless Motion, and Triple Tap in column three.
In column four, it has access to Vorpal Weapon, Rampage, Timed Cargo, and even Wellspring. Because it is a Nightfall weapon, players can also obtain the Adept form by finishing a Grandmaster when D.F.A. is active. It gives them more flexibility to modify the weapon with Adept mods.
7) Bottom Dollar
Bottom Dollar is one of the best legendary hand cannons destiny 2 PVP. A supply full of these may already exist among dedicated Gambit players. The Bottom Dollar is a powerful 120rpm Hand Cannon that only appears in the Drifter game option. Because of the variety of its perk options, obtaining the perfect roll can be a lengthy exercise in patience.
It can still have bonuses like Outlaw, Surplus, Rapid Hit, or Subsistence to reduce reload periods. It can also have Rampage, Multikill Clip, or Explosive Payload damage scores.
8) Crimson
Only pulse rifles typically can discharge in 3-shot bursts, making the Crimson special. The next perk says the Crimson will marginally heal the gun’s owner after each kill.
Precision kills refill the magazine, another nice feature of the Crimson. Although it occasionally enjoyed popularity among controller users, this pistol only partially found its way into the game’s meta.
9) Posterity
Recently, the benefits of Posterity and the other Deep Stone Crypt weapons were changed and are now craftable. Posterity is a unique hand cannon, even if you don’t make it. You can maximize your Rampage time with a large clip by combining Reconstruction and Rampage.
Another pleasant Origin Trait is Bray Inheritance, which grants you a small amount of ability energy each time you deal weapon damage.
10) Sunshot
For PVE actions, the Sunshot is a mighty hand cannon. It unleashes powerful solar explosive rounds that the player can use to highlight foes. With these rounds, enemies sly by exploding in a solar energy blast.
Sunshot, a 150 RPM Exotic Hand Cannon with explosive rounds and a more powerful variant of Dragonfly, is well-known to fans of explosions. It’s now simpler than ever to unleash some explosive mayhem with Sunshot because of the 40% damage increase Exotic Primaries got in Witch Queen. When a direct strike or burning destroys an enemy, they release a large explosion that causes moderate damage in a restricted space.